
Flash-X Dart

Rapala's Flash-X Dart is a particular "dart" style lure, but weighted to cast further than a classic lure of this type. Thanks to the prism body design, the lure sinks with a lateral flickering act...

From €17.90

Rapala's Flash-X Dart is a particular "dart" style lure, but weighted to cast further than a classic lure of this type. Thanks to the prism body design, the lure sinks with a lateral flickering action during the pause, while remaining stable in high speed retrieves. In addition, this unique shape causes the Flash-X Dart to capture and reflect light like a ball of mirrors, attracting the attention of fish even from a distance. Its through steel cable structure ensures that this lure is made to withstand large fish and strong retrieve pressure. Comes with two VMC 7556 3X Premium treble hooks.

Action: Sinking

Swimming depths: Variable

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Rapala's Flash-X Dart is a particular "dart" style lure, but weighted to cast further than a classic lure of this type. Thanks to the prism body design, the lure sinks with a lateral flickering action during the pause, while remaining stable in high speed retrieves. In addition, this unique shape causes the Flash-X Dart to capture and reflect light like a ball of mirrors, attracting the attention of fish even from a distance. Its through steel cable structure ensures that this lure is made to withstand large fish and strong retrieve pressure. Comes with two VMC 7556 3X Premium treble hooks.

Action: Sinking

Swimming depths: Variable

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