

Magbite's Parashot is a new soft bait, specificaaly developedfor Light Rock Fishing. Its body shape is very particular and it has an extended lamellar part with a thin tail. while on the front, it ...

From €8.90

Magbite's Parashot is a new soft bait, specificaaly developedfor Light Rock Fishing. Its body shape is very particular and it has an extended lamellar part with a thin tail. while on the front, it has tufts which slow down its fall. In fact, Parashot's major functionality is its slow fall!. The angler will be able to use a heavy jig head to reach long distances, but at the same time a natural movement and a better performance (see video). The retrieve can be done eitrher with little jumps or in a straight way.

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Magbite's Parashot is a new soft bait, specificaaly developedfor Light Rock Fishing. Its body shape is very particular and it has an extended lamellar part with a thin tail. while on the front, it has tufts which slow down its fall. In fact, Parashot's major functionality is its slow fall!. The angler will be able to use a heavy jig head to reach long distances, but at the same time a natural movement and a better performance (see video). The retrieve can be done eitrher with little jumps or in a straight way.

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